i cant believe it is already May! i promised that this year wouldn't scream by like last year but i don't think i have a say in it. even though Easter is barely over and chocolates are still nestled in their baskets, we are counting down the sleeps until mothers day...hoping that Easter is a bit earlier next year. i have been stitching my little fingers off trying to make a few things to take out to Lilly cottage in time for mothers day. i have lots of lovely designs floating around in my head but never enough hours in the day to make them. i have worked the last couple of nights but luckily the last 2 days have been work and child free so i have a few photos of things i have been working on and some things i hope to have finished for tomorrow or at least by Sunday.

i have an idea for these thrifted doilies

these frames are waiting to be filled with some sweet creation.

these little hearts will be strung together to make mini heart garlands, they look sweet hanging over a dressing table mirror or a little girls bedhead or anywhere really ~_~

it is lovely to see this bowl full but i have at least 30 more to stitch!

lovely large lavender filled hearts, i will also make some matching lavender sachets...if i get time!
i love spending my day stitching, just wish i could find more time in every day to do it. before i go back to my stitching i want to leave you with a picture or two of my little girls. Claudia had her prep interview on Tuesday, it was a much anticipated event and she did very well. they though she was confident and very clever and she looked so sweet in her little outfit, the assistant principal wished she had the same outfit! (only bigger of course)

here is Claudia with Lili and Mia ready to go to school and meet with the assistant principal.
and before i go the girls were mucking around with the hippo bean bag, it kept us laughing for a while.
happy mothers day to you if you celebrate it.