miss annabelle... she loves popular country music which she could happily listen to all night long. she likes playing card games and has been known to win the 'kitty' on more than one occasion. her favourite treats are iced coffee and caramel tarts, mmmm my favourite too.
if you like the look of her and her life style appeals to you she could be yours for $ 7.50 (australian) plus postage.
i have made one of the matching hearts and those that are not embellished with buttons, sequins or other 'pretties' will be on sale for $ 5.00 (australian) plus postage and those with lavender or embellished will be on sale for $ 7.50 (australian) plus postage. if you buy more than one item postage will not be compounded.
i still havent found the time to set up my etsy shop but will endeavor to do so by the end of february.
now the last part of this post, if you are still with me, involves your participation. look closely at claudias birthmark on her cheek and tell me what comes to mind. whenever i look at it i think of this ' animal' (hint) and it is the inspiration of my next softie. i use softie in the lightest of context and do by no means compare my self to those great artists out there. you will have to click on the picture to make it larger and get a closer look at the birthmark.
ok better go and get my little preppie from her first day at school. check out my other blog for more on that.
%*_*% rosey