first of all THANK YOU for the mini art lurve from the previous post...your positive words keep me going and inspire me to create more and more.
last market day was a little wetter than we anticipated so sales were little lower than we anticipated, however 2 of my mini art canvases now live in a new home. 2 sweet little sisters bought the little fairies and of course one girl had strawberry blonde hair and the other had brown hair, perfect match for the 2 minis they bought. i will make some more of the fairies for next Sunday the 8th of august... EEEPPP!! cant believe that it will be august tomorrow!
and in true Brisbane winter weather we have hit tops of 25 and 27 degrees the last couple of days which inspired me to make these pretty butterflies.

anyhow, if you cant make it out to the markets and you see something you like, you can always contact me on email or visit my online shops to the side of my blog. these little fellas are currently up for sale.

well thats it for today. not sure if i will be back before next sunday, so have a great weekend and an even better week ahead. you never know, i might see you out at the petrie markets next sunday :)