it is a one off from a design in a gorgeous book i picked up in montville titled 'made in France' it has stunning stitching and embroidery designs and these little dolls just happened to be perfect for this little cotton dress.

it has been a joy to work out at the cottage but i have been rather slow at producing anything at the moment. for me having a household of children (and hubby) on holidays means that my production level is severely hampered and working night shift has been getting in the way as well (4 shifts this week) i need to set myself realistic goals, write them down, and stick to them. i know that we are co-op at the cottage but i shouldn't be leaving it to the others to 'fill' the shop plus the more i make that more i make...if you know what i mean.
anyhow one lovely distraction is catching up with friends and family and on a recent visit to my fathers place my sister had made mini friands for us to share which we did with another of my sisters and her daughter.
anyhow, now that the sun is shining and the floods are receding we look forward to a prosperous shabby new year.
xx rosey