time for a tea party, a mad one of course... unpack your bags
and grab a tea cup
then grab a seat infront of a tea pot
oh no the cake plate is empty!! waitress, oh waitress where is my cake?
here she is ready to fill up our empty plates with lots of sweet treats
thank you, what a lovely party. but where is alice? where could she be? i was told a little bird knows where she is...you just have to find the bird ~_~
although this is pretty it isnt a bird...
oh little bird there you are! where oh where is alice? i want to share a cup of tea and a treat with her before i have to head home.
alice oh alice is that really you? sit down with me and tell me about your adventures down the rabbit hole.
what a great tea party it has been..i am feeling very tired. i might go lie down after a i visit a few more parties...
thank you for visiting my tea party...i didnt register with a fanciful twists tea party but i couldnt help but play along. she has so much fun each year and each year i find myself unable to resist. this years party was only possible thanks to the lovely linda from lilly cottage who held an actual tea party with real people and real food! linda is the queen of tea parties, you really must pop over to her blog to see all of her pictures.
better go and tell vanessa that i decided to play along after all... xxrosey
3 cakes in fact! Marie Antoinette would have been impressed with our party ~_~ let me explain... my youngest daughter Claudia turned 6 a couple of weeks ago and then a few days later my sister had her birthday and prior to all of this my eldest sister had her birthday, way back in June... are you still with me?? hence the need for 3 cakes, but really who needs a reason to eat cake?
our little chatter box had a lovely day, opening presents on our bed (our little ritual)
the wii is the best thing ever, so much fun and good for your hand eye coordination...which i have little of apparently.
our little ham is such a tom boy...she loves this little car track. maybe one day we will buy her a slot car set.
and then on the flip side she so desperately wanted this doll. one of those ones that wees and poos...you can even make it cry by squeezing it's arm but we cant bring ourselves to do it as it seems too cruel (we are crazy i tell ya) anyhow, she chose to have fish and chips at our favourite seafood place at sandgate and we ended the night with lots of sweet treats. a few days later we had a party to celebrate the 3 birthday girls. so much fun!
i had no idea how i was going to decorate her cake but i knew it had to have little bunting flags on it. i had too much fun making those tiny bunting flags, i just want to make a whole bunch of them! then next morning i went shopping for party supplies and spotted some fairy floss which became the inspiration for how my cake would come together.
since i am not a cake decorator, i leave that for my fabulous sister Anita aka bloomin' scrumptious i decided to use little toys that the girls adore and popped a doily down as a picnic rug. the fairy floss acted as a cloud for her to sit upon. what do you think? do you like it?
before we cut the cake we had a tea party of sorts
sitting around and chatting
playing and generally being cute ~_~
bashing the hell out of some ugly mermaid!
safety is paramount, all behind the imaginary line.
and then a free for all when the booty falls to the ground! so much fun.
Claudia was delighted with her cake, phew.
i must admit i am happy with how it looked too. (note, the fairy floss looks different to the first picture...don't put the fairy floss on until the last second, it disintegrates!)
all that was left to do was blow the candles out
and eat more cake! one chocolate and one orange and almond (gluten and dairy free) tasty!!!
i love parties and i love my little girl. even though she is loud, and dangerous and talks a lot she lights up our world and makes us laugh everyday.
hope you get to eat cake this week... xxrosey p.s. whoa what a long blog!! picture overload ~_~
rain rain rain...what a wet week we are having. what a wet few weeks we have had...the very first day of school holidays saw rain that stayed long enough to drive us all stir crazy and at the first sign of sunshine we raced outside to marvel at the blue sky.
our whole house fell like a game of dominos with the flu. while we didnt get it diagnosed it was certainly more than the average head cold. poor old lili had to have a 9 day course of steroids to help with her asthma and even the man of the house was taken down with a temp of 38.5 degrees...not man flu as i first suspected ~_~
even my atempt at stopping the germs didnt work :) i am still coughing 2 weeks later! very nasty strain this one. anyhow while we were stuck inside each of the girls baked a sweet treat on a different day, we certainly ate well while we were sick!
on the day that the sun shined, claudia had just finished baking one of our favourite chocolate slices...yum! look who else came out to play...
yes there were quite a few of these little fellows around.
claudia thought it might like some of our slice... it was so nice to get out of the house and play in the sun, i hate the musty smell that comes after days and days of rain.
the cat loved getting out into the sun too, isnt she pretty! our middle child has been given the nickname of pussicatti and here she is with her favourite puss.
so cute, i love to cuddle them both! the eldest of my girls seemed to be hit the hardest, she spent at least 4 days in bed and at least a week or more after that to get better. bronchitis hit her hard, lucky we could sleep in everyday and the rain really made it easy to stay in bed.
she couldnt wait to get out into the sunshine too, isnt she beautiful! growing up so fast ~_~
we couldnt have asked for a nicer afternoon. we ate our slice, drank our coffee and enjoyed the sunshine while the girls played.
simple things make me so happy. (actual violets, the type that smell are growing in my garden...swoon)
now i am saying lots of prayers that the rain goes away...so that we can enjoy some family time out in the sun once more.
welcome to my blog. this is the place where i share all of my thrifty finds, crafty endeavours and floral creations mixed in with a few funny stories of my little family along the way. while you're here leave a comment so that i can visit you and do the same. big noisy kisses mmmmwwwaahhh rosey (aka-goldsworthy)%^_^%
dont forget to visit both my blogs
email :lilijane@optusnet.com.au
drop me an email if you wish to make a bulk order of anything i make.