i trust that you all had a grand old christmas and are now preparing for the new year. we are off to the sunny coast for a few weeks, so all will be quiet around here for a bit. before i go i thought i might post some photos that paint a picture of how the lead up to christmas looked. and my other blog will be filled with pictures of those near and dear to me and some of the presents that were unwrapped over the past few days. so pop over here to see my family blog.
had to show you my wrapping skills :)hand made card filled with nice things cause i didnt have the words to express how i felt.
hand painted peg dolls inspired by the gorgeous vanessa at afancifultwist, gifted to the owner of the card above.
last night when all the girls were tucked up in their beds and mister was snoring quietly on the lounge room floor...i took out my paints and brushes and turned this
into this
inspired by a post by the fabulous miss Vanessa of a fanciful twist, i have been dreaming of making my own for some time now. i have this terrible human flaw that i am sure everyone has..self doubt. now i am not saying these are perfect and when compared to Vanessa's they do not even come close to her level of cuteness, but i am so happy with my first attempt. i have no clue how to do faces but i have realised that less is best.
these little elves are ready to fill up Santa's sleigh with toys :p
they are cute from the top of their little heads to the tips of their toes.
i am slowly dabbling in different mediums...i have a craft table full of bits and pieces that i want to have a go at but am too afraid. i really cant explain how i feel..some of you have the very sensible advice of ' have a go. what could possibly go wrong? and if so throw it out and start again'
i understand that advice, but i still find it hard to start. i know that i really want to have a go at a few more of these clothespeg people. i didn't varnish this lot as i followed Vanessa's blog, but i might varnish my next to see how it turns out.
anyhow, i want to gift these to someone special..i hope she likes them...what do you think. if you were gifted them would you be happy??
stepping out of my box felt good and the response from my biggest fans has been encouraging. i might just do it more often :)
learing how to make a traditional indian curry today, so once again i am stepping out of my box.
this little fella will be finding his way into my madeit store tomorrow.
his little toadstool friend is already there and at the tiny price of $6 they make the perfect gift for a teenager, as a stocking stuffer or even a secret santa...
they are part of my woodland series. felt, hand stitched with love and waiting to dangle from your bag, keyring, phone or anywhere at all.
just a quick post to show the set of 9 flag bunting i whipped up today while babysitting my best friends daughter ( along with my kids of course). the kids were occupied all day so i was able to get a little bit done. very happy with how it turned out and hope to sell it before Christmas. i love bunting, it just brightens any space. it is also the perfect gift for the mother in law who has everything or a secret Santa or anyone really!
i will be placing this in my madeit and etsy shops when i get some sunlight tomorrow... but here is a sneak peek...
great reds and greens, cute little gingerbread people and their little houses and candy canes stripes everywhere :P
this set is $22 plus postage.
thanks for your support, it means the world to me.
hows that song go...don't stop me now, having such a good time, havin a ball...
that's me and making bunting!! i have just finished my 4th set, 2 of which have been sold which makes me think i should list the pretty little girl set...
anyhow here are some night time photos of my latest set. i will be listing them in my online shops as soon as i get the chance but if they grab your fancy, leave me a comment and we will work something out :)
great red and green flags with minty treats and Christmas trees!! click on the pictures to enlarge them
when all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
inspired by a post by sweet tidings i am going to add these chocolate filled stockings to the girls presents for their teachers.
so easy to make and very cute hanging from our chimney.
OK my gorgeous band of followers...head to my other blog for your chance to win a Christmas themed give away by moi!
click on this link to take you straight there ~ agapanthasandgoldsworthy ~
good luck...what are you waiting for??
strange things have been happening around here...i have learnt how to fill a bobbin, put said bobbin into the right spot, thread the needle on the sewing machine and actually confidently sew fabric with a smile firmly on my face. i did have a little set back when the sewing machine wouldn't play nice, but after talking with the lady at the sewing store i realised that perhaps my thread was cheap or old and then when Linda visited for a coffee she spotted that i had two different types of thread on needle and bobbin which is apparently a no no. so with all that knowledge in hand i turned this...
into this...
i am so proud of myself and sort of feel like there is no stopping me now, that is why i am changing my "brand" name from 'i cant sew' to 'itty-bitty and pretty' i will still run under the icantsewcreationsblogspot, but as i venture out into the markets i wanted something a bit prettier.
i have been busy stitching up items and working on other designs for my stall. i just have to share with you something pretty i have been working on when i am not sewing.
these pretty hand filled and embellished baubles will be on sale as well, so much fun to make but time consuming.
i will place the bunting in my handmade and etsy shops but you could also win a set in my give away which i will post about soon on my other blog agapanthasandgoldsworthy
do you ever have doubts about whether your hand made items will sell?
do you ever wonder whether you are wasting your time?
do you think that all your efforts might not actually pay off?
i try to remember what i did with my nights before i started crafting...i was never idle, always reading or doing a puzzle of some kind and of course school preparation. since i started this blog and stitching i feel guilty if i don't pick up my sewing or if i don't work on something towards creating a stall. actually i don't know if guilty is the right word...i think i am worried that i am doing all off this work in vain...what if it doesn't sell?
i just know that you will all have words of wisdom. the one constant thing about blogland is the huge support and genuine want for others to do well. i will leave you with just some of the things i will try to sell when i am ready to have a stall.
the photos are not that great sorry, some are turned the wrong way and the colour isn't perfect but you get the idea.
birds, hearts and garlands
babushka charm to hang where you wish
pastel chalk boards to write whatever you wish
babushka and kokeshi brooches to brighten your day
so there you have it, my little whine for the week...
i will be having a little give away on my other blog agapanthasandgoldsworthy very soon, that is assuming you want to win anything i make....(there i go again!) i will post here when i have organised myself.
my attempts at building up stock are slow to say the least...but a quitter i am not so i have cut out two more sets of hearts, birds and garlands in the hopes of stitching up a storm between now and next weekend. the lovely Rebbecca over at Edward and Lilly has been a great cheer squad encouraging me to attend craft fairs in the city and Linda of Lilly cottage has offered to pay for my first stall fee and her mother has even offered to let me have a little space in their shop for the twilight markets but i haven't discussed this with Linda yet so we will have to see about that.
so here some pics of my latest creative space
here are some shabby birds and hearts and here are some more waiting to be stitched.
purple to tantalise you...and
i have some more traditional fabric as well.
i have so many other design ideas in my head but i cant seem to find the time to create them.
my husband has been busy as well...while i was away for the weekend he transformed our kitchen table and i LOVE it!
he painted the legs white and glossed up the top. here is Claudia showing you her felt three little pigs story.
before he varnished the top he gave it that distressed look. he is so clever and i loved this surprise.
as well as wanting to create for a stall i need to update and add to my etsy and madeit shops but once again finding the time is hard. i need to take photos during the day and then when the kidlets are in bed update like crazy.
head over here to read about my latest health problemos...and have a great weekend!
welcome to my blog. this is the place where i share all of my thrifty finds, crafty endeavours and floral creations mixed in with a few funny stories of my little family along the way. while you're here leave a comment so that i can visit you and do the same. big noisy kisses mmmmwwwaahhh rosey (aka-goldsworthy)%^_^%
dont forget to visit both my blogs
email :lilijane@optusnet.com.au
drop me an email if you wish to make a bulk order of anything i make.