things have been crazy round here since i was struck down with the flu, so much in fact that i have to blog about it over a couple of days otherwise you might die of boredom. head over to my other blog
agapanthas and goldsworthy to read about the week that was...
ok onto the SURPRISE. here is the absolutely gorgeous tissue holder that i won as part of
sewfunkys giveaway. she included some sweet buttons that will be put to use on a few projects i have in mind. thank you so very very much for these sweet gifts
Dione i simply LOVE them.
and now for the MYSTERY...

some sweet person who lives in
Australia and knows my address sent my girls these
extremely sweet dolls!!! i wish i knew who it was so i could thank them... i am putting my sleuth skills to the test and i think i am closing in on the kind giver of treasures :0)
i will be back when i know the answer. the girls were thrilled to receive them and have taken them to school for show and tell today so i couldn't take any better photos.
so a big THANK YOU to whoever you are.
smooches for a great second half of the week.